Questions, debates and proposals to elaborate an open protocol for the use of wetlab.

image: Lynn Margulis
End year
Research field

Every Tuesday from the 15th of October until the 17th of December at 7pm in Hangar, Laura Benítez moderates a series of open sessions where sharing questions, debates and proposals to elaborate an open protocol for the use of the wetlab.

There is, a Philosophy of “life” in Spinoza; it consist
precisely in denouncing all that separates us from life, all these
transcendent values that are turned against life, these values that
are tied to the conditions and illusions of consciousness.

Braidotti [Lecture, Posthuman Glossary, August 2016]

A space like the wetlab challenges us to think not only from a _being-in_ but from a _being-with. What kind of responsibilities do we face when working and/or experimenting with biomaterials?

Is it possible to think of responsibility not based on duty? How can we operate with protocols that fiction a sort of immutable reality? Is it possible to continue sustaining feminist discourses and objectifying other entities for our benefit? How do we sustain our contradictions? How do we work with them?

Can we reformulate a minimum ethic with non-anthropocentric presuppositions? What do we do and what do we not do in a shared space of experimentation?

These and more questions are what is proposed to be addressed in the open research sessions. These sessions are intended as a meeting place to share questions, debates and proposals to develop an open protocol. We will share how a space such as the wetlab challenges us, putting at the centre of debate a simple/difficult question: anything works in potential, but what about in practice?

If you are interested in being part of this group, you can attend any meeting or write to marta(at)

image: Ernesto Casero